Sunday, November 17, 2013

Unfound love

Those with loves criteria
A list of MUST haves
Find themselves lonely daily
Depressed, stressed and mad
An absurd list
Of useless wants
To fill that emptiness inside
Is one thing they cannot hide
So date after date
They find every flaw
Complaining of this unfound love
To one and to all

Psychological security

How does one measure
'The good life'
Is it that massive roof 
That you hide in and call a home
Is it that rainbow closet
That you call your clothes
If we were happier as children
Yet had so much less
Why do we stress?
Walking around looking depressed
Is the hunger of consumption
A seed planted while growing up?
Is it watered and fertilized
Through magazines, tv and things we see through time?
When will you be happy?
What will it take?
Is the smile I see upon your face
Real.....or fake?

From the missing

It's been quite some time
Since I've wrote down my thoughts
Not sure where I've been
To be honest...I think I'm lost
Days pass me by
There is no motivation
I just keep moving
With mans innovations
Putting in my 9 to 5
5 days a week
It's what school told us 
Just to stay alive
It keeps food on the table
So we can survive
In a few hours 
It will be tomorrow
This slavery lifestyle
Tastes spiritually sour