These are words from a book that forever changed my was in my dad's basement and stared at me every time i passed it by. I guess it was telling me to pick it up and read it...glad i did
'Creative meditation and Multi-dimensional consciousness'
-We are blind to reality because we have become so accustomed to our surroundings and to ourselves. Once we break the fetters of habit by the power of a paradoxical situation, or by a flash of intuition, everything beomes a revelation and everyday life turns into a wonder.
-The meaning of life – like the meaning of a journey – lies not in the arrival at a certain place but in the progress toward it; in the movement itself and in the gradual unfoldment of events, conditions, and experiences.
-To know everything is eaual to knowing nothing.
-‘sea slips into the shining drop’ : the drop is qualitatively not different from the sea. All the oceans that cover the earth, as seen from the distance of the sun, are not more than a drop in the immensity of space; and a drop, as seen from the standpoint of a microorganism contained in it, is as vast as an ocean.
-Instead of contemplating a past that we cannot change, and upon which we cannot have the slightest influence, meditation serves to sow the seeds of final liberation and to build now bodies of future perfection in the image of our highest ideals.
-Novalis once said that the outer world is nothing but the inner world in a state of mystery.
-we may break a piece of magnetized steel as often as we like, we shall never be able to separate the positive from the negative pole; each fragment will always have both.
-Inspiration is the spontaneous movement from the lesser to the greater, from the lower to the higher. It contains no elements of force or violence.
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